We’ve officially moved the web site from Beta to live. Thanks very much to everyone involved in pulling this site together you’ve done a lovely job.

For everyone coming here for the first time, we’ve pulled together a video below to talk about the design approach we took with the web site. One of the key things you’ll notice as you look around, is that the site has been built predominantly as a blog. This gives visitors the ability to comment on over 90% of the material, to ask questions or to simply like content as you see fit.


We have further showcases of special projects available in our Portfolio section, and we’ll be sharing opinion and experimental work in the Discussion area.

Thanks for visiting!

Comments? Thoughts?

Comments (4 Responses)

  1. Marc Iannacone says:

    Hmm…should have had my hair cut perhaps. Lovely work Richard its brilliantly shot. Thanks!

  2. Andrew says:

    Love the new site 🙂 Great work team eBrands!
    However, I need to see Rufus in here somewhere!!!

  3. Ben White says:

    Love it – great work guys, give yourselves a pat on the back.
    The video is awesome – a little insight into the eBrands studio and process (minus a bit of banter and Iannacone bear hugs).

  4. Rowan Bestmann says:

    Really nicely designed website – well done staff of eBrands!