What makes Content Search Social unique is that it does not consider content generation, search engine optimisation or social media participation as tactics driven by independant strategies. Within this new framework, they become facets of a comprehensive plan of action that can share goals and be managed in a single workflow.

This approach improves the effectiveness and accountability of digital brand activity, and allows us to paint a comprehensive picture of a brands digital equity at any point in time. It solves the problems of what content to produce on what platform, how to encourage organisational advocates to contribute to a brand, how to focus search engine optimisation for best yield; and importantly, how to define and encourage participation in social media.

By appointing eBrands, your organisation gets the opportunity to be more intelligent in its digital brand decision making. Each step in the content search social chain develops insights that can be used in implementation strategy. Digital reporting and metric achievement is clear, accountable and designed with the capabilities of the user in mind.

Visit the pages below to learn more about the program.

Content generation
Search engine optimisation
Social media participation

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